URL Masking/Spoof Site

A Spoof/URL masked site is exactly as it sounds! In short easy terms it is a site that appears to be one thing but if you click anything it will redirect you to what ever it is they really are selling or promoting, usually Adult Site Advertising is the idea behind it.

This isn't done very much anymore because it's so easy to be found and/or blocked!

The easiest way, and usually correct is by hovering your mouse pointer directly over the address bar, your web browser will pop up a display of the exact registered I.P. Address or web address. It is easy for any web developer to code in what they want to display in the web address for search and display reason's, and this is not uncommon because there are so many websites's out there.

Online Security along with Google themselves have come pretty far with stopping thing's like this, Google has algorithms in store that rank sites and choose's which sites to put at the top of search results. It takes time for any given site to to build a trust with search engines such as Google.com, Bing.com, Yahoo.com, etc.

The crawler's these search engines use do exactly as there called (Crawl). Each site is crawled and the algorithms used scan things like this and report it; that being said........ search engines are setup to not like this and you will be ranked very low (not in top 100,000) results.

Along with you having security suite on your PC like McAfee, Symantec/Norton, etc. They are embedded into your browser and pick these up very quickly and give you a notice prior to allowing you to connect with the site, click here to see a sample McAfee notice on this blog post. Keep in mind there are numerous other things that can cause this; but whatever the reason is it's probably a good idea to just stay away from such sites.

I have found an extremely good article on this here, he explains the coding side to url masking, this might be a good idea to read because it teaches how to mask a URL and how to embed code to your browser to block any such sites. To understand how it works is an interesting concept and it will teach you better how to watch yourself!


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